Archive for the ‘Content Development’ category

An Infographic, Some Content Ideas, and Some Beans

February 24, 2012

"Bean Worries" is actually an acronym for my maiden name.

Having content woes? Feelin’ fresh out of beans? I came across this infographic from the fabulous and amazing Copyblogger.

It came just at the right time, as I was woeing the content strategy for this site, which will be relaunching in a new and cosmic glory within the next week or so. I feel like I’ve been reading a lot of the same stuff lately, and my goal is to infuse the SpaceRace universe with some interesting new thinking, thoughtful guest bloggers who think interestingly, and edutaining posts that veer from the usual social media malarky.
So without further ado, here’s what floated my boat today. I hope it will help float yours as well, Skipper.

Like this infographic? Get more content marketing tips from Copyblogger.